Feature Review

Pantoea ananatis: Emerging Bacterial Pathogen in Wheat Fields  

Pingping Yang , Jiong Fu
Hainan Key Laboratory of Crop Molecular Breeding, Sanya, 572025, Hainan, China
Author    Correspondence author
Molecular Pathogens, 2024, Vol. 15, No. 2   doi: 10.5376/mp.2024.15.0009
Received: 09 Feb., 2024    Accepted: 22 Mar., 2024    Published: 15 Apr., 2024
© 2024 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
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Wang Y.L., Zhang G.P., and Sun Q.X., 2024, Pantoea ananatis: emerging bacterial pathogen in wheat fields, Molecular Pathogens, 15(1): 17-26 (doi: 10.5376/mp.2024.15.0003)


Pantoea ananatis is an emerging bacterial pathogen in wheat fields that has garnered significant attention in recent years. This bacterium is widely distributed across various agricultural regions globally and can be spread through seeds, soil, and insects, causing severe impacts on wheat, including wilting, leaf spots, and ear rot. These symptoms significantly reduce yield and quality, adversely affecting farmers' economic returns. This study systematically summarizes the taxonomy, biological characteristics, and pathogenic mechanisms of Pantoea ananatis, explores its epidemiology and modes of transmission in wheat fields, and analyzes the symptoms and agricultural impacts of infected wheat. We also assess current detection and diagnostic methods, and explore various strategies for managing and controlling Pantoea ananatis, including cultural practices, chemical control, and biological management. Additionally, this study analyzes practical challenges in managing this pathogen through specific case studies and proposes future research directions and priorities. The aim is to provide valuable references for researchers, farmers, and policymakers to promote integrated disease management in wheat fields and enhance the sustainability of agricultural production.

Pantoea ananatis; Wheat disease; Epidemiology; Detection and diagnosis; Disease management

1 Introduction

Pantoea ananatis is a Gram-negative bacterium belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family. It is widely found in various ecological environments and possesses diverse pathogenic capabilities. This bacterium has been identified as a pathogen in several economically important crops, including maize, rice, onion, and more recently, wheat (Coutinho and Venter, 2009; Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Krawczyk et al., 2020a). The unique aspect of P. ananatis lies in its ability to infect both plants and humans, and its presence in various environments such as aviation fuel tanks and the gut microbiota of insects (Coutinho and Venter, 2009). The plasticity of its genome, including the presence of mobile genetic elements, endows it with the ability to survive and cause disease in different hosts and environments (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017).


Wheat (Triticum aestivum) is one of the most crucial crops globally, serving as a staple food for a significant portion of the world's population. The emergence of P. ananatis as a pathogen in wheat fields poses a new threat to wheat production, potentially leading to substantial economic losses (Krawczyk et al., 2020a). This bacterium causes brown lesions with clear margins and yellow halos on wheat leaves, symptoms indicative of bacterial infection (Krawczyk et al., 2020b). Understanding the impact of P. ananatis on wheat is essential for developing effective management strategies to mitigate its spread and minimize crop damage. Additionally, the bacterium's ability to be transmitted by insect vectors, such as the cereal leaf beetle and the western corn rootworm, further complicates its control and necessitates comprehensive research into its epidemiology and pathogenic mechanisms (Krawczyk et al., 2020a; 2020b)


This study aims to consolidate current knowledge on Pantoea ananatis, with a specific focus on its role as an emerging pathogen in wheat fields. The primary objectives include summarizing its pathogenic characteristics, investigating its transmission mechanisms, and evaluating existing control measures. Additionally, this study will identify research gaps and propose future research directions. By providing a comprehensive review of the literature, this study seeks to underscore the significance of P. ananatis in agriculture, particularly in wheat production, and to inform researchers, agronomists, and policymakers about the latest developments and challenges in managing this emerging pathogen.


2 Taxonomy and Biology of Pantoea ananatis

2.1 Historical background and classification

Pantoea ananatis, a Gram-negative bacterium, belongs to the family Erwiniaceae within the class Gammaproteobacteria. It was first described as a plant pathogen affecting a variety of crops, including maize, rice, and onions (Coutinho and Venter, 2009; Bragard et al., 2023). The bacterium has been identified in diverse ecological niches, ranging from plant surfaces to the gut microbiota of insects (Coutinho and Venter, 2009; Bragard et al., 2023). Historically, P. ananatis has been recognized for its ability to cause disease symptoms in economically important crops, leading to significant agricultural losses (Coutinho and Venter, 2009; Weller-Stuart et al., 2017).


2.2 Biological characteristics and pathogenicity

Pantoea ananatis is a facultatively anaerobic, motile bacterium that produces a yellow pigment in culture (Coutinho and Venter, 2009). It is known for its versatility, being both an epiphyte and an endophyte, and can cause a range of disease symptoms depending on the host plant. These symptoms include leaf blotches, die-back, and bulb rot (Coutinho and Venter, 2009; Weller-Stuart et al., 2017). The bacterium has been isolated from various hosts, including wheat, where it has been identified as a causal agent of disease, particularly in regions like Poland (Krawczyk et al., 2020a). P. ananatis can also act as a biological control agent due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties (Coutinho and Venter, 2009).


2.3 Genomic insights and diversity

The genomic plasticity of Pantoea ananatis is a key factor in its adaptability and pathogenicity. The bacterium's genome includes a variety of mobile genetic elements, such as plasmids and integrative conjugative elements, which contribute to its genetic diversity and ability to infect multiple hosts (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Maayer et al., 2017). Comparative genomic analyses have revealed two distinct clades within P. ananatis, each with unique genomic characteristics and pathogenicity determinants (Maayer et al., 2017). The complete genome sequencing of various strains has provided insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying its pathogenicity and its potential use in biotechnological applications (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Kini et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2021).


3 Epidemiology and Spread

3.1 Geographical distribution and affected regions

Pantoea ananatis is a globally distributed pathogen affecting a wide range of crops. It has been reported in various regions including Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America, and Oceania, spanning from tropical and subtropical regions to temperate areas (Bragard et al., 2023). In Poland, P. ananatis has been identified as a new pathogen affecting wheat plants, marking the first report of its kind in this region (Krawczyk et al., 2020a). Additionally, it has been associated with rice blight in China and several West African countries, including Burkina Faso, Togo, and Benin (Kini et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2021).


3.2 Modes of transmission and infection

Pantoea ananatis can be transmitted through multiple vectors and mechanisms. Insects play a significant role in its transmission; for instance, the western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) has been identified as a vector for P. ananatis, transferring the bacterium from infected to healthy maize plants (Krawczyk et al., 2020a). Similarly, the rice planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus) has been found to harbor P. ananatis, suggesting its role in the bacterium's spread among rice crops (Bing et al., 2022). The bacterium can also be transmitted through seeds and plant material, which are primary pathways for its entry into new regions (Bragard et al., 2023).


3.3 Environmental factors influencing spread

The spread of Pantoea ananatis is influenced by various environmental factors. This bacterium can proliferate in diverse ecological environments, including plant surfaces, insect guts, and even non-plant environments such as aviation fuel tanks (Coutinho and Venter, 2009). Its ability to survive in different habitats is attributed to its genomic plasticity and the presence of mobile genetic elements (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017). Environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity also affect its spread and infection rates. For example, the bacterium has caused disease outbreaks in both tropical and temperate climates, indicating its strong adaptability to different environmental conditions (Bragard et al., 2023).


Moreover, the presence of insect vectors and the availability of susceptible host plants are key factors promoting the spread of Pantoea ananatis (Krawczyk et al., 2020a; Bing et al., 2022). Recent studies have found that Pantoea ananatis has caused infections in various crops across multiple countries and regions, including rice in West Africa, Spain, Italy, Russia, Cambodia, India, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, and Australia; maize in Poland, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, China, and South Africa; onions in the USA, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Korea; strawberries in Canada, Egypt, and China; as well as other minor crops. Multiple environmental factors are suitable for Pantoea ananatis to survive and spread as a plant pathogen (Figure 1).



Figure 1 Distribution of Köppen-Geiger climate types BSh, BSk, Cfa, Cfb, Csa, Csb, Csc, Dfb and Dfc that occur in the EU and in third countries where P. ananatis has been reported (Adopted from Bragard et al., 2023)


The figure from Bragard et al. (2023) shows the global distribution of Köppen-Geiger climate types. The legend lists the different Köppen-Geiger climate types, and the yellow dots indicate the specific locations where Pantoea ananatis has been reported. Initially, P. ananatis affected only pineapples in the tropical regions of the Philippines, but recent studies have found that this bacterium causes infections in various crops, including rice, maize, onions, and strawberries, across multiple countries and regions. This demonstrates the ability of P. ananatis to adapt to diverse environmental conditions, allowing it to survive and spread in different climate zones. Such wide-ranging environmental adaptability makes it a significant plant pathogen on a global scale.


4 Symptoms and Impact on Wheat

4.1 Identification of symptoms in wheat plants

Pantoea ananatis has been identified as a pathogen affecting wheat plants, causing distinct symptoms that can be observed in the field. The primary symptoms include brownish lesions with clear margins and a yellow halo on the leaves, which are indicative of bacterial infection. These symptoms were first noted during routine monitoring of wheat pests in the Greater Poland region, where leaves wounded by the cereal leaf beetle (CLB) displayed these characteristic lesions (Krawczyk et al., 2020b). The presence of P. ananatis was confirmed through various molecular techniques, including 16S rRNA and gyrB gene sequencing, as well as multi-locus sequence analysis (MLSA) (Figure 2) (Krawczyk et al., 2020b).



Figure 2 The disease symptoms observed on the wheat leaves from Winna Góra fields, with visible cereal leaf beetle (CLB) feeding wounds (A). Visible CLB feeding wounds and brownish lesions with clear margins and yellow halo suggesting bacterial infection (B) (Adopted from Krawczyk et al., 2020b)


Figure 2 shows the disease symptoms observed on wheat leaves from Winna Góra fields. In image A, cereal leaf beetle (CLB) feeding wounds are visible. Image B displays CLB feeding wounds along with brownish lesions with clear margins and a yellow halo, suggesting a possible bacterial infection. During field monitoring, researchers analyzed three types of symptoms: wheat leaves damaged only by CLB feeding (group 1), wheat leaves showing only dark brown lesions with a yellow halo suggesting possible bacterial disease development (group 2), and leaves showing both CLB feeding symptoms and lesions with a yellow halo (group 3). The monitoring results indicated that about 60% of the wheat leaves had CLB feeding damage, while about 10% of the symptomatic plants showed both CLB feeding and lesions with a yellow halo.


4.2 Impact on wheat yield and quality

The infection of wheat plants by Pantoea ananatis can have significant impacts on both yield and quality. The lesions caused by the bacterium can lead to reduced photosynthetic activity, stunted growth, and overall plant vigor, which directly affects the yield. Additionally, the quality of the wheat grains can be compromised due to the bacterial infection, leading to discoloration and potential contamination. This can result in lower market value and reduced suitability for processing and consumption (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Krawczyk et al., 2020a). The economic losses due to reduced yield and quality can be substantial, especially in regions where wheat is a major crop.


4.3 Economic implications for wheat production

The economic implications of Pantoea ananatis infection in wheat fields are considerable. The bacterium's ability to cause disease in wheat can lead to significant financial losses for farmers due to decreased yields and compromised grain quality. The cost of managing the disease, including the use of resistant cultivars, eradication of infected plant material, and potential use of bacteriophages, adds to the economic burden (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017). Furthermore, the widespread distribution of P. ananatis and its ability to infect multiple hosts, including economically important crops like maize and rice, underscores the need for effective management strategies to mitigate its impact on wheat production (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Bragard et al., 2023).


Pantoea ananatis poses a serious threat to wheat production, with identifiable symptoms that lead to significant yield and quality losses. The economic implications are profound, necessitating comprehensive management approaches to control the spread and impact of this emerging pathogen.


5 Detection and Diagnosis

5.1 Traditional methods for detecting Pantoea ananatis

Traditional methods for detecting Pantoea ananatis primarily involve phenotypic and biochemical assays. These methods include the use of the Biolog’s Gen III system, which allows for the identification of bacterial strains based on their metabolic profiles. Additionally, pathogenicity tests on host plants are conducted to confirm the presence of P. ananatis by observing disease symptoms such as brownish lesions with clear margins and yellow halos on wheat leaves (Krawczyk et al., 2020b). These traditional methods, while useful, often require extensive time and labor, and may not always provide the specificity needed for accurate identification.


5.2 Molecular and genomic diagnostic tools

Molecular and genomic diagnostic tools have significantly improved the detection and identification of Pantoea ananatis. Techniques such as 16S rRNA and gyrB gene sequencing are commonly used to identify bacterial strains with high accuracy. Multi-locus sequence analysis (MLSA) of concatenated sequences of housekeeping genes (e.g., atpD, fusA, gyrB, rplB, and rpoB) further enhances the precision of these identifications (Krawczyk et al., 2020a).


Moreover, species-specific PCR assays have been developed to rapidly and reliably detect P. ananatis. These assays utilize primers designed to target specific genes unique to P. ananatis, allowing for quick identification even in mixed bacterial populations (Shin et al., 2022). A multiplex PCR scheme has also been established, which can distinguish between different species within the genus Pantoea and detect P. ananatis in various samples, including plant tissues and seeds (Kini et al., 2021). These molecular tools offer high sensitivity, specificity, and cost-efficiency, making them invaluable for plant protection services and epidemiological surveillance.


5.3 Challenges in accurate and early diagnosis

Despite the advancements in molecular and genomic diagnostic tools, several challenges remain in the accurate and early diagnosis of Pantoea ananatis. One major challenge is the phenotypic similarity between P. ananatis and other closely related species within the genus Pantoea, which can lead to misidentification when relying solely on traditional methods (Shin et al., 2022).


Another challenge is the presence of non-pathogenic strains of P. ananatis in various environmental niches, which complicates the identification of pathogenic strains. This bacterium's ability to exist as a saprophyte or plant growth-promoting agent further adds to the complexity of accurate diagnosis (Bragard et al., 2023). Additionally, the genetic diversity and adaptability of P. ananatis, driven by the plasticity of its genome and the integration of mobile genetic elements, can result in variations in pathogenicity and virulence, making it difficult to develop universal diagnostic tools (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017).


Early diagnosis is also hindered by the lack of comprehensive genome data for many strains of P. ananatis, which limits the development of targeted diagnostic assays and breeding strategies for resistant cultivars (Kini et al., 2020). Therefore, continuous efforts in genomic research and the development of more sophisticated diagnostic tools are essential to overcome these challenges and improve the management of Pantoea ananatis in agricultural settings.


6 Management and Control Strategies

6.1 Cultural practices and field management

Cultural practices and field management are essential in mitigating the impact of Pantoea ananatis on wheat fields. Effective strategies include crop rotation, which helps break the life cycle of the pathogen by alternating wheat with non-host crops. Additionally, maintaining proper field hygiene by removing plant debris and infected plant material can reduce the inoculum load in the field (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Krawczyk et al., 2020a). Implementing these practices can significantly lower the incidence of P. ananatis infections.


6.2 Chemical control methods

Chemical control methods involve the use of bactericides to manage P. ananatis infections. However, the effectiveness of chemical treatments can vary, and there is a need for targeted research to identify the most effective compounds. Current studies suggest that copper-based bactericides and antibiotics like streptomycin may offer some control over the pathogen (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Bragard et al., 2023). It is crucial to follow integrated pest management (IPM) principles to avoid the development of resistance and ensure sustainable use of chemical controls.


6.3 Biological control and resistance breeding

Biological control and resistance breeding are promising strategies for managing P. ananatis. The use of lytic bacteriophages has shown success in controlling P. ananatis on certain crops, such as rice (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017). Additionally, exploiting the natural antagonistic properties of certain Pantoea strains can provide a biological control mechanism (Coutinho and Venter, 2009). Resistance breeding involves developing wheat cultivars that are resistant to P. ananatis through traditional breeding methods or genetic engineering. Understanding the genetic basis of resistance and incorporating resistant genes into commercial wheat varieties can offer long-term solutions to managing this pathogen (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Kini et al., 2020; Choi et al., 2022).


By integrating these management and control strategies, it is possible to mitigate the impact of Pantoea ananatis on wheat fields and ensure sustainable wheat production.


7 Challenges in Managing Pantoea ananatis

7.1 Resistance development and management

The management of Pantoea ananatis in wheat fields is complicated by the bacterium's ability to develop resistance to various control measures. The genetic plasticity of P. ananatis allows it to adapt to different environments and hosts, which can lead to the emergence of resistant strains. For instance, the bacterium's genome contains mobile genetic elements that facilitate the acquisition of resistance genes (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017). Additionally, the use of resistant wheat cultivars has been one of the primary methods of control, but the effectiveness of this strategy can be compromised by the bacterium's ability to overcome plant resistance mechanisms (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017). The development of resistance in P. ananatis necessitates continuous monitoring and the development of new resistant cultivars to keep pace with the evolving pathogen.


7.2 Environmental and ecological considerations

Pantoea ananatis occupies diverse ecological niches, which complicates its management. It can be found as an epiphyte, endophyte, and even as a part of the gut microbiota of insects, making it difficult to target without affecting non-pathogenic or beneficial strains (Bragard et al., 2023). The bacterium's presence in various environments, including soil, water, and plant surfaces, means that it can easily spread and persist in the environment. Moreover, certain insect species, such as the western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera), have been identified as vectors for P. ananatis, further complicating control efforts (Krawczyk et al., 2020a). The bacterium's ability to survive in different ecological niches and its association with insect vectors necessitate integrated pest management strategies that consider the broader ecological context.


7.3 Socio-economic and policy-related challenges

The socio-economic impact of Pantoea ananatis on wheat production can be significant, particularly in regions where wheat is a major economic crop. The cost of managing the disease, including the development and deployment of resistant cultivars, the use of chemical controls, and the implementation of integrated pest management strategies, can be substantial. Additionally, the presence of P. ananatis in multiple crops and its potential to infect humans and animals pose public health concerns that require coordinated policy responses (Bragard et al., 2023). The lack of comprehensive phytosanitary measures and the bacterium's ability to evade detection further exacerbate the challenges in managing its spread. Effective management of P. ananatis requires not only scientific and technical solutions but also robust policy frameworks and international cooperation to mitigate its impact on agriculture and public health.


8 Case Study

8.1 Detailed analysis of a specific outbreak in wheat fields

In a recent study conducted in the Greater Poland region, an outbreak of Pantoea ananatis was observed in wheat fields. The initial symptoms included brownish lesions with clear margins and a yellow halo on wheat leaves, which were initially wounded by the cereal leaf beetle (CLB, Oulema melanopus) (Krawczyk et al., 2020a). This study is the first to report that Diabrotica virgifera virgifera transmits P. ananatis, indicating that insects play a crucial role in the spread of this pathogen (Figure 3).



Figure 3 Experimental process and infection rate of Pantoea ananatis Transmission by Western Corn Rootworm (Adopted from Krawczyk et al., 2020a)


This figure from Krawczyk et al. (2020a) shows the experimental process involving Diabrotica virgifera (Western Corn Rootworm, WCR) as a potential vector for Pantoea ananatis. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse to investigate whether WCR can transfer the pathogenic bacteria from infected maize plants to healthy plants. The five stages in the figure illustrate the transfer and infection situations of WCR. The results indicate that after a 10-day pre-experiment incubation, WCR can acquire P. ananatis from infected plants and transmit the bacteria to healthy plants within 21 days, resulting in a 60% infection rate in maize plants.


8.2 Methodology and findings of the case study

The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using adult WCR specimens collected from maize fields near Rzeszów, Poland, and Waza variety sweetcorn plants. The experiment involved incubating insects caught under natural conditions in isolators containing pathogen-free plants, randomly selecting insects to check for the presence of maize bacterial pathogens in their digestive tracts, and then transferring pathogen-free insects to maize seedlings previously infected with P. ananatis. The control group consisted of healthy, uninfected insects and plants. At the end of the incubation period, the study confirmed the presence of bacterial pathogens in the digestive tracts of the WCR samples and observed bacterial disease symptoms on maize plants (Krawczyk et al., 2020a).


The results of the experiment indicated that WCR could acquire P. ananatis from infected plants and transmit the bacteria to healthy plants within 21 days, ultimately leading to 60% of the maize plants being infected. The experiment also confirmed the presence of P. ananatis in the digestive tracts of WCR, and Koch's postulates verified WCR's role as a vector for P. ananatis.


8.3 Implications for future management practices

The findings from this case study have significant implications for the management of P. ananatis in wheat fields. Firstly, the identification of CLB as a vector for P. ananatis suggests that pest management strategies should also focus on controlling the beetle population to prevent the spread of the bacterium (Krawczyk et al., 2020a; 2020b). Additionally, the study highlights the importance of regular monitoring and early detection of symptoms to manage outbreaks effectively.


Future management practices could include the development of resistant wheat varieties, as well as the use of biological control agents to target both the bacterium and its insect vectors (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Bing et al., 2022). Moreover, understanding the genetic diversity and pathogenicity determinants of P. ananatis can aid in the development of targeted phytosanitary measures to mitigate the spread of this pathogen (Kini et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2021).


By integrating these strategies, it is possible to reduce the impact of P. ananatis on wheat production and ensure the sustainability of wheat crops in affected regions.


9 Future Directions and Research Priorities

9.1 Emerging trends and technologies in pathogen management

The management of Pantoea ananatis, an emerging pathogen in wheat fields, requires innovative approaches to mitigate its impact on crop yield and quality. Recent advancements in genomic technologies have provided deeper insights into the pathogen's adaptability and pathogenicity. For instance, the complete genome sequencing of various P. ananatis strains has revealed significant genetic plasticity, which is crucial for developing targeted control strategies (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Kini et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2021). The use of lytic bacteriophages has shown promise in controlling P. ananatis in certain crops, such as rice, and could be explored further for wheat (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017). Additionally, the identification of specific pathogenicity determinants through genomic studies can aid in the development of resistant wheat cultivars (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Kini et al., 2020).


9.2 Integration of genomic and field data for better management

Integrating genomic data with field observations is essential for a comprehensive understanding of P. ananatis infections in wheat. Multi-locus sequence analysis (MLSA) and other genomic tools have been instrumental in identifying and characterizing P. ananatis strains (Krawczyk et al., 2020b). Combining these genomic insights with field data on disease incidence and environmental conditions can help in predicting outbreaks and implementing timely interventions. For example, the genomic analysis of P. ananatis strains isolated from different ecological niches has highlighted the importance of mobile genetic elements in the pathogen's adaptability, which can inform field management practices (Coutinho and Venter, 2009; Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Bing et al., 2022). Moreover, understanding the interactions between P. ananatis and its insect vectors, such as the cereal leaf beetle, can lead to integrated pest management strategies that reduce the spread of the pathogen (Krawczyk et al., 2020a; 2020b).


9.3 Collaborative efforts and funding opportunities

Addressing the challenges posed by P. ananatis in wheat fields requires collaborative efforts across research institutions, agricultural stakeholders, and funding agencies. International collaborations can facilitate the sharing of genomic data and field experiences, leading to a more robust understanding of the pathogen's behavior and control measures. Funding opportunities should focus on multidisciplinary research that combines genomics, field studies, and pest management. For instance, projects that explore the use of biological control agents, such as bacteriophages and beneficial microbes, in conjunction with resistant wheat varieties, could receive support from agricultural research grants (Coutinho and Venter, 2009; Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Choi et al., 2022). Additionally, public-private partnerships can play a crucial role in translating research findings into practical solutions for farmers, ensuring sustainable wheat production in the face of emerging bacterial threats.


10 Concluding Remarks

Pantoea ananatis has emerged as a significant pathogen affecting a wide range of economically important crops, including wheat, rice, maize, and onions. The bacterium has been identified in various ecological niches and hosts, demonstrating its adaptability and versatility. The pathogenicity of P. ananatis is attributed to its diverse genetic makeup, which includes mobile genetic elements and a flexible genome that allows it to thrive in different environments. Studies have shown that P. ananatis can cause a variety of disease symptoms, such as leaf blotches, die-back, and bulb rot, depending on the host plant. Additionally, the bacterium has been found to be transmitted by insect vectors, further complicating its management in agricultural settings.


For researchers, the genomic insights into P. ananatis provide a foundation for developing targeted strategies to mitigate its impact on crops. Understanding the genetic determinants of its pathogenicity and adaptability can lead to the development of resistant crop varieties and effective biocontrol methods. For farmers, the identification of P. ananatis as a pathogen in wheat and other crops underscores the need for vigilant monitoring and early detection to prevent widespread outbreaks. Policymakers should consider implementing phytosanitary measures to control the spread of P. ananatis, especially through the regulation of plant material and seeds that may harbor the bacterium. Additionally, policies promoting integrated pest management (IPM) practices can help reduce the reliance on chemical controls and promote sustainable agriculture.


Continued research is essential to fully understand the complex interactions between P. ananatis, its host plants, and insect vectors. Future studies should focus on the molecular mechanisms underlying its pathogenicity and the development of innovative control strategies, such as the use of lytic bacteriophages and biocontrol agents. Integrated management efforts that combine genetic resistance, cultural practices, and biological controls will be crucial in managing P. ananatis in agricultural systems. Collaboration between researchers, farmers, and policymakers is necessary to develop and implement effective management strategies that can mitigate the impact of this emerging pathogen on global food security.



We would like to express our gratitude to the two anonymous peer reviewers for their thoughtful suggestions on this manuscript.


Conflict of Interest Disclosure

The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.



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. Pingping Yang
. Jiong Fu
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